
How To Put Conference Presentations On Resume

Do you want to get better at sales? And beef up your sales resume so you could land a higher-paying sales job with generous compensation? There are certain hard and soft sales skills you need to master, and of course, back it up with increased revenue numbers credited to your performance.

We've done our research and compiled the top 30 sales representative skills you need to master if you want to achieve complete sales enlightenment.

But first, before we dive into this, we should note that while we have some generalized notion of "selling" modern sales organizations have grown in complexity and have evolved into a roster of functions — such as marketing, business development, closing, account management, and customer success — that require different specialized skill sets for their respective teams.

Table of Contents

What Are Hard Skills In Sales?
What Are Qualities of a Good Salesperson?
What Actually Makes a Great Sales Rep?
What Sales Skills Should I Put On My Resume?

Soft Skills For Sales Professionals

    • 1. Relationship Building
    • 2. Knowing When To Shut Up
    • 3. Time Management
    • 4. Storytelling
    • 5. Research / Information Gathering
    • 6. Critical Thinking / Problem Solving
    • 7. Tech Savvy
    • 8. Collaboration

Hard Skills For Sales Professionals

    • 9. Product Knowledge
    • 10. Understanding of Common Business Softwares
    • 11. Business Communication
    • 12. Client Engagement
    • 13. Active Listening
    • 14. Conflict Management & Resolution
    • 15. Sales Presentations / Demos
    • 16. Social Selling

Role-Critical Skills For Sales Professionals

    • 17. Prospecting
    • 18. Lead Qualification
    • 19. Contract Negotiation
    • 20. Policy Knowledge
    • 21. Referral Selling
    • 22. Closing Skills
    • 23. Customer Success

Top Traits of Successful Salespeople

    • 24. Self Motivated / Ambitious
    • 25. Coachable
    • 26. Adaptable
    • 27. Sociable
    • 28. Responsible
    • 29. Goal-Oriented
    • 30. Empathetic
    • 31. Passionate About Selling

Technology Will Never Replace Sales Talent
Master These Sales Skills & Get Ahead of The Competition
How to List Sales Skills On Your Resume

What Are Hard Skills In Sales?

Hard skills for sales are formal and technical abilities learned from academic institutions, workplaces, seminars, mentorships, and training courses, including role-critical skills that are specialized for a specific function. Soft skills, on the other hand, are informal abilities that are learned over a person's lifetime and usually relate to the person's aptitude in performing common tasks and connecting with other people.

What Are Qualities of a Good Salesperson?

These broadly refer to a person's mindset, attitude, and behavioral tendencies. While the boundaries between skills and traits sometimes become hazy, we try to avoid these cases to maintain clarity. We list the top sales skills and essential traits we believe sales professionals need to excel in their fields and outperform their competition.

What Actually Makes a Great Sales Rep?

Many books, articles and studies have attempted to identify the characteristics of a high-performing salesperson, but consensus has yet to be achieved. Many agree on a few indispensable skills but otherwise recommend disparate skill sets and desirable qualities. We found at least 30 common denominators and listed the sales skills you need to master — and to put in your resume to level up in your sales career.

What Sales Skills Should I Put On My Resume?

We compiled a full list of 30+ sales skills you need to master to become a top performer who generates consistent revenue and vault yourself to the top of the totem pole in the sales field.

Soft Skills For Sales Professionals

soft skills for sales

1) Relationship-building

The ability to positively engage other people, build long-term relationships, and form mutually beneficial networks will find frequent use in any salesperson's workflow. From meeting clients and gathering referrals to soliciting advice and achieving team objectives, relationship-building skills enable a salesperson to accomplish tasks easier and make better-informed decisions. Relationship-building involves trust, rapport, and a genuine desire to help other people. Relationship-building leads to relationship selling, so don't think it's just a bunch of fluff. This creates opportunities if you play your cards right!

2) Knowing When To Shut Up

That's right. Shut up and listen! Listening is the best method to understand where clients are coming from, what their pain points are, and how you can effectively provide solutions for their challenges. Without listening skills, a sales professional risks compromising other stages in the sales process such as lead qualification and customer-solution matching.

3) Time Management

While selling involves money, something a lot more precious gets exchanged and utilized along the way — time. Your client's time is important. So is yours. A salesperson's ability to optimize time improves productivity and cost efficiency, creating the environment needed for high performance. This soft skill coupled with software automation, analytics and other technologies delivers significant ROI for any business.

Pro Tip: Become a Google Chrome powerhouse by learning how to use these Chrome Extensions to maximize sales productivity and efficiency!

4) Storytelling

Selling not only requires showing the features of your product but also convincing customers that these features will solve their problems or will benefit them in some significant way. In most cases, you need to articulate your message by telling a story that deeply resonates with your target audience. A lack of baseline communication skills is a glaring red flag for anyone planning to enter the world of sales.

5) Research/Information Gathering

Accurate information about clients, market trends, rival solutions and other business intelligence enables a salesperson to make better decisions, engage the right customers better, and close high value deals while shortening the sales cycle. Your CRM, competitive analysis tools, rival websites, and social media are great places where you can start your research.

6) Critical Thinking/Problem Solving

Having an ocean of data is hardly enough to get you anywhere, however. You still need critical thinking skills to process information, analyze disparate data, and sift through the heap for relevant bits of information that will help you formulate solutions for problems your prospects or your team are experiencing.

7) Affinity with Technology

Tomorrow's sales professionals must at least be comfortable around digital devices. This makes it easier to adapt to emerging technological advances in AI, big data, and other fields that will transform the way organizations run businesses and the way brands engage audiences.

8) Collaboration

Sales teams rarely operate as a one-person army. Hence, the ability to align one's personal goals, workflows, and schedule with those of others is an important skill for sales professionals. Sales teams follow a game plan that assigns different roles and requires different outcomes from members. Most of these roles and outcomes are dependent on each other for collective success. That means the lack of teamwork and flat leadership will likely lead to unwanted outcomes and missed objectives.

Hard Skills For Sales Professionals

sales representative skills

9) Product Knowledge

Inadequate product knowledge is unacceptable in the world of selling. Any sales professional who goes to the field without having an intimate knowledge of the features, benefits, and weaknesses of their product will have a hard time creating effective pitches and connecting customer needs to the best solutions available. Deep and extensive product knowledge is a prerequisite to high sales performance. In addition, demonstrating that you are a subject matter expert generates trust among your customers.

10) Strong Knowledge of Common Business Software & Sales Enablement Solutions

Sales ops and sales enablement technology — through products such as CRMs, document management software, and workplace productivity apps — makes selling easier and more profitable. Sales professionals should learn how to use the software, platforms and other tools their organizations use to run operations and engage customers.

11) Business Communication

Your talent at engaging prospects during the sales conversation or articulating a concept can still be honed for the business landscape. It is imperative that sales professionals learn the best practices in both oral (e.g., phone calls, presentations, pitches, etc.) and written (e.g., proposals, memos, referral requests, etc) communications. This will help you become more effective at connecting with clients and making a positive impact in how they perceive your brand.

12) Client Engagement

Getting along with people and having good communication skills are baseline traits. For high-performing sales professionals, there is a science and a method for establishing and maintaining excellent client engagement. For example, there are sales call techniques that can help you build rapport with a prospect, research methods that will help you glean valuable information about a customer, and communication techniques that will allow you to nurture long term relationships with clients.

13) Active Listening

There are different levels of listening but you need to operate at full throttle when it comes to your customers. Active listening in sales requires focus as well as occasional/follow-up queries. These allow you not only to glean complete and clear information from your clients but also to build rapport and demonstrate that you genuinely care about their concerns.

14) Conflict Management and Resolution

In sales, expect to encounter regular episodes of complaints, conflicts, and rejections. These incidents may involve just about anyone, including clients, peers, management and other parties. Because these can occur at any time, sales professionals need to learn and practice how to proactively handle objections and manage conflicts. High-performing salespeople have been known to use these incidents as a platform for converting new leads or an avenue for demonstrating a workplace solution to management.

15) Sales Presentations & Sales Demos

In the beginning, there was PowerPoint. Now you have Prezi, Keynote, and other presentation software. Whatever tool you use, being good at presenting and public speaking is a great skill to have in the world of selling. Excellent sales demos & presentations convey subject mastery and build trust around your brand. For B2B sellers, conducting a lively and compelling demo is also a requisite skill.

16) Social Media & Social Selling

Because social has become a major part of our digital lives, many companies now employ social media managers to oversee their brand's online presence. You need not be as technically adept as these specialists but you need to know your way around social media. For B2B sellers, knowing the best practices and tricks for engaging prospects on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and other networks will help bolster your lead generation and conversion efforts.

Role-Critical Skills For Sales Professionals

skills required for sales and marketing

17) Prospecting

Prospecting helps you fill your customer pipeline with entities that may be interested in your product. The selling process practically starts at this stage. This skill is a staple across all roles but is critically important for sales reps.
18) Lead Qualification

This skill allows sellers to gather and analyze information about a prospect that will show them which available solutions or product features directly addresses a prospect's pain points. It may also indicate whether there's a mismatch between your product and the prospect, allowing sellers to save time by referring the prospect to other solutions providers and focusing on the next lead.

19) Contract Negotiation

Selling is easily the art of negotiation. Because of its relevance to any field, negotiation skills may as well be classified in any of the categories we listed. However, contract negotiation is especially important for closers, account executives and managers. Contract negotiation involves establishing a climate where your company and your prospect can set mutual expectations and benefits.

RELATED: PODCAST 20: Managing the Sales Negotiation Process Like a Pro

20) Policy Knowledge

Sales directors, managers and other leaders are required to be extensively aware of their organization's governance and policy issues. Policies are tied with a company's vision and its strategic goals, serving as standards within which sales teams operate.

21) Referral Marketing

Collecting qualified referrals is one excellent way of keeping your pipeline humming with new leads. This skill is especially important for sales reps.

22) Closing Skills

This skill may well represent the essence of selling, encapsulating the moment when a prospect finally realizes, accepts and buys (literally) the rationale behind your product. Closing sales deals should be a staple across the sales organization but the task of closing is often assigned to more senior sales reps and account executives in larger companies.

23) Client Nurturing AKA Customer Success

Many businesses realize that making a sale doesn't necessarily terminate the buyer journey. Depending on your product or service, you can still offer additional value and generate more business with existing customers. The trick is to provide VIP treatment and excellent customer service to your paying customers. While separate customer success departments handle much of the heavy lifting, some smart sales organizations assign post-sale relationship management tasks to account managers or customer success leaders.

Top Traits of Successful Salespeople

qualities of a good salesperson

24) Self-Motivated/Ambitious

Call it grit or toughness, self-motivated and ambitious sellers can work under pressure, take rejections gracefully, then bounce back and still beat expectations compared to less motivated peers.

25) Trainable, Coachable, Open to New Ideas

Sales is evolving and sellers who refuse to relinquish outmoded practices will fall by the wayside. Salespeople must embrace change and be willing to learn new ways of doing things in order to succeed in the business landscapes of tomorrow.

26) Adaptable

Adaptability is a survival mechanism not only in nature but also in the world of sales. Tools have changed and so have customer demographics. There are new engagement channels to explore. Smart sales professionals know they need to sail the currents of change to get to their destinations.

27) Sociable

Gone are the days when lone wolves ruled. The workplaces and the sales deals of tomorrow will be driven by teamwork and collaboration. Smart sellers need to be sociable at all levels.

28) Responsible

Top sellers own their mistakes and hold themselves responsible for their performance. They never make excuses nor point fingers when things don't happen as expected.

29) Goal-Oriented

Excellent sales professionals are motivated by the notion that:

  • There's an ambitious goal to be reached.
  • It is an attainable goal.
  • Achieving it feels incredible.
  • There's a reward at the finish line.

Given this mindset, these sellers will exert all effort to meet or surpass targets.

Top-notch sales leadership is the driving force behind building highly motivated, goal-oriented sales reps.

30) Empathetic

Successful sellers are almost always buyer-centric. They might be proud of their products but they're more concerned about helping customers solve problems. These sellers have well-developed empathy that enables them to understand where clients are coming from and determine their pain points.

31) Passionate About Selling

Even more potent than grit or ambition, a passion for selling may well be the top trait for sales professionals. Doing what you love will simply compel you to excel in your field and achieve success consistently.

If you are a visual learner, check out the Complete List of Sales Skills and Traits Infographic.

Sales Skills to add to your sales resume

Technology Will Never Replace Sales Talent

Many companies are revving up their branding and marketing strategies and by adopting technology enablers such as CRMs, sales automations, and data analytics.

While technology delivers a positive impact, talent remains the primary and most valuable asset of any sales organization. From sales reps to sales coaches, talent ultimately keeps pipelines humming and revenues coming in.

Master These Sales Skills & Get Ahead of The Competition

selling skills for your sales resume

Sales is a highly competitive field where rival brands try to outshine each other in the eyes of their consumers. In sales organizations, professionals also compete as teams or as individuals. With gamification becoming more fun and performance metrics becoming more accurate, sellers can better assess their strengths and deficiencies and make remedial measures to bolster their credentials.

You can identify which sales skills you need to learn or train to get to the next level. The right selling skills listed on your sales resume will advance your career and get you to the next success milestone.

RELATED: How to Get Better at Sales (Essential Guide and 4-Step Checklist)

There are many ways to learn new skills. You can check your organization's knowledge base or inquire whether any of the upcoming training programs are good for you. There might even be a mentor willing to coach you into shape. You can also take an online course or enroll in a brick-and-mortar college.

Any which way you choose, the bottom line is this: never stop learning!

How to List Sales Skills On Your Resume

There are a few options on how to go about listing sales skills on your resume for your next sales job. Basically, you can either weave them into your professional experience section, especially when describing the sales results you've achieved in your previous jobs. Or you can create a separate "Skills" section and explicitly list your selling skills there.

To identify your best skills, or the skills you want to highlight the most, you'll want to reflect on your past experience and ask your peers. There are a few ways of going about that:

  • If you received any awards, note what particular skills helped you get them.
  • Ask former coworkers for strengths that you may not recognize in yourself.
  • Talk to other sales professionals, particularly in the field you are interested in.

Indeed has a great and easy-to-read guide on how to use your sales skills to your advantage in your sales resume when looking for new opportunities. Check it out!

Also published on Medium.

How To Put Conference Presentations On Resume


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